Monday, December 22, 2008

Say Hello to Cayleigh Joan!!!!

Phillip got to go see his baby today and we found out that we're having a GIRL!!! And a true girl she is! At first she wouldn't coorperate, so I said if it was a girl she just needed her chocolate. We went on with the normal part of our appt. and I was given a hershey kiss to eat before going into the ultrasound again. It worked like magic! Our baby girl just needed a little chocolate :). Like mother like daughter! So now you all know! Cayleigh Joan is on her way :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Look at those Lips!!

Here's Bitty Smitty at 21 weeks! Isn't he (or she) cute?!! Bitty Smitty is weighing in at 14 ounces, and measures one day ahead of gestational age. Just check out that nose and those lips! Those are definitely Phillips lips. Bitty Smitty was doubled up for most of the pics, with his/her legs up by his/her head; it was too funny! Enjoy the pics!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Belly Shot

Per request here's a belly shot of the belly so far! It's a picture I took with the web cam for Phillip who also wanted to see the "progess", so it's not the best quality, but it does the job!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wonderful Husband!

So I know this blog is supposed to be all about Bitty Smitty, BUT, I think Bitty Smitty's father deserves this post! :) Look at what my wondeful husband had sent to cheer me up! It's a box of Godiva Chocolates (YUM!!!), a cute little Godiva Teddy Bear, and a message just for me :) Thank-you Phillip, I love it and I love you! You're the best! :)


Whew! I just finished putting up a preliminary registry for bitty smitty :). I put it up mostly just to help Phil and I keep track of what we need to get, but thought you guys might think it was fun to look at what we're wanting! Who knew babies "needed" so much stuff?! Once Phillip gets back, we find out the sex, and actually go to the store, some of this stuff will change, but for now this will work! It's at "babies R us", and the registry number is 79758987 or you can just look it up by my name, city, and state. Thanks guys!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bitty Smitty's first Kitty :)

Here is Bitty Smitty's first toy from Grandma Libby! It's a little lion that rattles, how cute!

Bitty Smitty at 15 Weeks!

And here's Bitty Smitty at 15 weeks! Aren't these pics amazing? Our baby is laughing and playing peek-a-boo! :) I was told that for such an early age it's really unusual to see the baby opening it's mouth so much, so I think we have a talker!

Bitty Smitty at 12 weeks!

So this ultrasound was scheduled to check for downs-syndrome by measure the thickness of the neck. Bitty Smitty looked just fine! See our baby laughing? :) And check out those toes!

Bitty Smitty at 10 Weeks

I got this ultrasound when I went in for problems with blacking out....bitty smitty was just fine dancing around in there! Turns out I was pre-diabetic already! In just 2 weeks you can already see a distinct head and body! (Head is too the left).

Itty Bitty Smitty at 8 weeks

Here's Bitty Smitty at just 8 weeks! They are the fuzzy little bean thing!