Thursday, June 17, 2010

Been A While

Casin' the hood with PaPa Yates, lol! nice snuggles after a hard day of swimming and playing :)
My First Swim! Like my hair? :)

Picking flowers! Her favorite thing to do outside :)

"The Hiiiiiilllllss are aliiiiiive with the sound of Muuuuusiiiiiic"

So, it hit me yesterday that it is June. I's not even early June, it's very much mid-June; all the same, my brain only caught up yesterday. SO, with that said, here's a post with some pictures of our vacation from May (it's only been a month) when we went to visit Phillips PaPa and then my PaPa, who live correspondingly in VA and NC. We drove out to see them, and all things considered I would say the driving was a success. :) Cayleigh slept through the night in her own portable crib every night (even the first one in a strange hotel room) without any troubles, so the traveling didn't disturb her too much. She does NOT sleep while driving (contrary to popular belief), so we read alot of books, played with alot of toys, pulled out alot of mommy's hair (and I mean literally; my hair is her security blanket, which resulted in a very bad neck crick and a hair thinning treatment I did not ask for!), and ate alot of goldfish. :) Cayleigh loved seeing both sets of her great-grandparents and her Nana Rita, all of whom ran from Cayleigh like she was a leper and had nothing to do with her.....HA! Just making sure you're still paying attention! No, in fact, she was dreadfully spoiled (not such a bad thing in this case) by all the love, and her little legs are not so little any more as they most resemble a pair of pack-mule hind legs; in short she never sat except to eat or sleep. Here's a few pics from our trip, though only from the time spent with Phillips folks. I have to get the pictures from my grandparents moved from the camera to the computer still! We love all of you and can't wait to see everybody again (especially those we didn't get to see this time!)

1 comment:

Holli said...

She's getting so BIG! & BEAUTIFUL!!! I miss you guys!!!!