Sunday, April 18, 2010

1st Birthday :)

**Warning: The following post contains dangerously cute pictures and information. Reading of the post may result in excessive "awwww-ing".**

Yesterday was Cayleigh's first birthday!!! Since Daddy wasn't here, we just had a simple lunch with my parents, and brother and Shelly. She had an awesome day, and just played and played and played. We started it with waking up to the birthday song, followed by oatmeal (she loves oatmeal!) dyed blue just to make it fun. It actually made her cry before she tried it b/c she thought I was trying to feed her something that was NOT her oatmeal, but once I shoved a spoonful in there she was a happy camper. Then we just played (well, mommy cleaned and cooked like a mad-woman) until it was time for lunch! Right before lunch a beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers arrived from Daddy for his "beatiful ladies" birthdays. :)
Then Grandma, PaPa, Uncle Dan and Aunt Shelly all came over for birthday burgers and cake. Cayleigh thought she was full until she tried the cake. Then she somehow manage to force herself to eat the whole slice. She is such a trooper! And even though her real party isn't until Daddy gets back home, Uncle Dan and Aunt Shelly brought Cayleigh a birthday present anyways (a stuffed polar bear with the "earth" series DVD on polar bears). In the moment she really only played with the bow on top of the present, but this morning she gave her new bear lots of hugs and cuddles, so we have now confirmed it as a winner. :) A card arrived for Cayleigh from her great-PaPa Yates at the same time we were opening gifts, so it was perfect timing! It was also great Papa Yates birthday as well. :) Mommy also got her little sugar booger some new books, b/c lets face it, it's not a party until you've gotten a good new book! Well, to me it isn't!
To wrap up the festivities we took all the family downstairs to the backyard for a "swingin' good time" (we pushed Cayleigh on the swing and took an absurdly large amount of pictures while doing it!). And do you know the best part of all that busy, busy fun? THE NAP! (I can hear all fellow mommas sayin' "amen sista") :). She slept like a rock for her nap, even through the pictures I took of her when I went to wake her up 2 hours after she went down.
She had such a fun day. It's hard to believe my little baby is already 1 year old, but I have to say that I love the stage that she's at. I love that she's running around, jabbering non-stop, giving hugs and kisses (real ones!), and riding in a forward facing carseat. She was beautiful the day she was born, and she's even more precious today. All the work, all the tears, all the sleep deprivation, pale in comparison to all the joy, laughter, and love that she's filled our lives with. I'm looking forward to another fun year with my little lady bird! (or Cay-zilla as I more commonly call her now) :)D

Sweet, Sweet rest.

Swing time! Higher Uncle Dan!

Hi Daddy! I Love You!

You may think she's going for the bear, but no....if you look closely you'll see she's just taking the bow off of it's head!

What's in HERE?!

Check it out....I got a bear!

Random cake picture...I like it cause you can see her smiling underneath the avalanche of cake :)

*giggle* What'd ya get me, Uncle dan?

Hmmm, curious. Very curious. It looks like a newspaper, but there's something suspicous about it's shape.....

By golly, a bow!

Oh yeah, that was good!

Sweet goodness gracious, why did no one tell me this existed?!


Arfff murph grff mmmmmmm

Resistance is futile...

Okaaayyy, I'm gonna go with this.....

By far the cutest picture of the two of us. :)

"Smelling" a flower from Daddy.

Her Cake!

WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Party Time!!!

Such a lady :)

The table; Phillip's flowers are in the middle and they perfectly completed the set up!

It's such a pretty day, Mommy!

Dentist Face. She actually says "AHHHH" while doing it! My baby's so smart!

The blue birthday oatmeal. Yes, I can understand why she would cry upon seeing that my intention was for her to consume it, lol!

It's my birthday!! :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just Chillin'

Just thought I'd put up some random pictures of both of Phillips girls. :) We love you!

Cayleigh Dancing. Very graceful, lol!
Just a beautiful shot!


Picture of the new hair do. Gradually getting back blonde.

Mommy Attack!!!

Just playin' around :)

Another cute close-up :)

And another. :)


This was Cayleigh's first Easter! I was so excited to do all the things for her that my parents did for Daniel and I when we were kids (and continue to do for us as adults!). I took lots of pictures to remember the day with, and here are a select few of them. We decided to do Easter dinner at my parents house on Saturday night with my brother, Shelly (his wife), and my good friend Whitney. We did a fun egg hunt, followed by a delicious dinner and my mother trying to trick Daniel and I into liking something with Coconut for desert. A fruitless effort I might add. Sorry, Mom!
The pictures are in reverse order of events. The pictures of her Easter egg hunting and playing in her cute Easter dress are from Saturday night; the pictures of her in her PJ's playing with what the Easter Bunny brough are from Easter morning with just Mommy. :)

Awwww, sweet hugs on her easter lamb!
Laughing at "Yogi the Easter Bear" playing on dvd.


I Love You, Mommy!

Rifling through the Easter Basket. The eggs are filled with Cheerios. :)

What did the Easter bunny bring?!

Laughing at Uncle Dan

Chasing Mommy :) And Whitney laughing at us!

SCORE! We're not sure what she scored, but she seems to think that she has!

I finally snapped a shot before she ripped her bunny ears off her head!

Schooling Uncle Dan with her mad Easter egg hunting skills, lol!

Cayleigh with her Manslaves. *Sigh* What will I do with her when she's a teenager?!

Yes, you may have the honor of holding my egg. There, there now, don't gush; you deserve it.

Putting eggs in basket.....taking eggs out basket.....putting eggs :)D

The first egg! And it rattles!

Isn't she just precious?! She had little pink tights and white patent leather mary janes on to complete the ensemble. :)